Friday, November 5, 2010

klown kulinary kollege : my first dinner party
it was my sophomore year at UGA and i was coming home to Tybee Island. i asked my roomies if they would like me to bring back some seafood. Bob says, " Hell yea, how about some shrimp?" Bob wasn't the shy type!
I returned on a sunday afternoon and my roomies had made all of the plans for the dinner party. I was armed with about 10 pounds of fresh shrimp, some gourmet breading mix and a complete lack of experience frying shrimp.
The ladies arrived and Denny and Bob entertained them while I was sweating over a hot stove, alone, in the kitchen. Denny and Bob were not the type to ask if I needed any help.
I breaded and fried all those shrimp, cooked some fries, then proudly announced: "Dinner is served!"
The ladies, gentlemen... and Bob all filed into the dining room filled with hungry eyes that were a bit bloodshot! The ladies and gentlemen were saying how great it smelled and looked. Bob just started loading up. BOB tossed around compliments like manhole covers!
We all sit down and everyone starts to dig in. Momentarily Bob says: " these shrimp sure are crunchy, did you peel them?"
In that moment my pride turned to horror... no, i had not peeled those damn shrimp!
Bob why the Hell did you have to complain about Free Food!
The night ended well, mucho sympatico from Inge especially, but this was a Klown Kulinary moment for me. The first in a long line of them which i will compile here for your entertainment.
whatever you are doing, always be in the moment!